Defining your Start-up’s Target Audience

Defining your target audience is among the most important things you can do when starting a business. It will allow you to choose how you want your product or service to be built and which marketing channels you should use. Here are a few helpful steps to defining your start-up’s target audience.

Identify your market
Before you can target people who want to buy your product, you need to know what audience would be most receptive. It requires research into the market and the potential customers who might be interested in purchasing from you.

Conduct interviews with potential customers
Once you have identified your market, it is time to get feedback from some potential customers. You can do this through surveys with potential customers one-on-one or in groups. It is a great way to get feedback on your product and garner information about the needs of potential customers.

Create personas for your ideal customers
The 3rd step should be to create detailed personas for each target audience member. These personas should describe their behaviours, preferences and motivations — which will help you get inside their heads and provide them with products that meet their needs perfectly.

Get feedback on the personas from internal and external stakeholders
Once you have a few personas in hand, you need to get feedback from internal stakeholders (your team) and external stakeholders (customers). You can do this through surveys or email interviews with current customers or mock interviews with potential customers.

Now that you have a rough idea of your target audience and the fundamentals of your website, it’s the right time to start thinking about how you will attract this audience and convert them into leads or sales. If you desire more information, contact The Lead Crafter at Pune.